Friday, January 30, 2009

The Olympic Bird Nest Flop

Can you believe that the multi-million dollar Olympic bird nest built in Beijing has now become a rotting mess? Well it has. Prior to these events, the structural masterpiece was receiving raves from critics all over the world but today that has all changed. Not only is the paint peeling off but it costs 8.8 million a year for mantainance alone. What a drag! The chinese are such an ingenious people that I personally think its only a matter of time before they come up with a few ideas to keep it in one piece.

So far, I have heard that the area around Beijing’s massive Bird’s Nest stadium will be turned into a shopping and entertainment complex in three to five years. How appropriate! The only confirmed event at the 91,000-seat stadium this year is Puccini’s opera “Turandot,” set for Aug. 8—the one-year anniversary of the Olympics’ opening ceremony. are a few ideas of mine as to what can be done to help the situation.

1. Call up Angelina Jolie - The UN-representative half of the Hollywood power couple has always been willing to help out a worthy cause. From adopting tots off third world countries to lending a sympathetic ear to to those less fortunate; I'm sure she would be delighted to assist.

2. Turn it into a housing development - With a population of over 1.3 billion, goodness knows housing projects are needed just about eveywhere in China. How about turning the masterpiece into a housing development. I'm sure the good folks over there would appreciate it.

3. Have an annual pillow brawl -

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