Tuesday, January 19, 2010


There are so many blogs and post and newspaper articles and broadcasts on the disaster that is Haiti right now that I decided to wait a bit before writing anything. And now that the wait is over, here I am. It was a sad day when I heard the news. There is an incredibly important person in my life whose family lives in Haiti and I was distressed by it all. Shock is a strange thing. Somehow the first few moments after hearing about it, I did not know how to react...I was almost...unaffected. Looking back I know that it was a kind of pain settling in for these are my people. And no it's not just becasue they are black - like me, or live on an island - like me, tried to make a life for themselves - like me. No. It stemmed from the fact that they are part of my race...the human race, and what affects my brother and sister creates an impact on me too.

So I offer up my thoughts and my prayers. To the sick and the dead and the dying.

If there's any good in this world I would think that those who left us will come back as sunshine...and every moment that a golden ray warms my heart I'll know...someone had to exit this plane of existence so that I would be warm...it's sad, but it's also a wonderful thing.