Saturday, January 24, 2009

Is there a God?

I was browsing the news today and came across this artists impression of a London bus with the slogan 'There's probably no God. Stop worrying and enjoy your life'. Of course there has been numerous complaints and criticism by those staunch 'Christ' supporters but would you have expected anything less?

We see images of Jesus Christ everywhere we go and we are constantly bombarded with quotes from the bible in our everyday life. Now for those who believe in a higher power that is all well and good but what about those who don't?

I cannot condemn, nor accept since it is not my place. For that matter, everyone should be given the reign to make their own choices. Remember the crusades when so many died for the church? Look at the killings going on in the name of Islam. Are we a better society because we believe in a being that we are not entirely certain exists or is it just an excuse to continue with our narcissism.

To those who are livid at the bus company slogan I say get over it. Live and let live should be the new motto of this world. Believe in your God, or gods in some cases but learn to accept those who do not. The world is changing and we along with it - stop complaining and start living.

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