Monday, December 22, 2008

The Heck With That!

School sucks so I quit! Well it was mostly track sucked but nonetheless. I figure that with colleges being packed with kids these days we're all going to be unable to find jobs when its all said and done. My good friend was an English major and graduated this past June with no employment prospects. I suggested that she become a teacher but have you seen the news lately? Stabbings, shootings, what next? bombings? Are kids these days just confused or just ill advised. I wonder what happened to make that young fella attack a few of his classmates with a knife. And what about the shootings at Virginia Tech?

Crazy World or just crazy kids!

What do we expect when our televisions are bombarded with violence from just plain movies to the reality of Afghanistan. What a sorry state the world is in.
School sucks so I quit! I guess I just got scared that the guy my lab teacher failed may just return to class with a warped sense of purpose and a grudge. Maybe he is the lucky one.